The one thing we all have in common is we have spent the last year and several months worrying about health. We may have spent some time worrying about our own health, the health of our loved ones, and even the health of people we randomly came into contact. To overcome the obstacles of the pandemic, we needed to work together.
This idea of working together to ensure better help made me reflect on my business name and what I do as a Health Advocate and a Health Coach. I am pleased to announce that my new business name is Hakim Health Partners.
Why partners? As a Physician turned Patient Advocate, I understand the importance of partnerships when approaching your healthcare. As a Health Advocate, I partner with my clients to help them navigate the difficult and confusing maze of the healthcare system. As a Health Coach, I partner with my clients to enable them to reach their wellness goals be it in nutrition, fitness, or decrease their risk factors for chronic diseases. Both as an advocate and a coach requires partnership with my clients in order for them to achieve their best health.
We can all benefit by having someone by our side on our health journey. Someone to turn to who know our path and that is where Hakim Health Partners comes in. We are there for you, to partner with you, and help you in all your health needs.
If you are overwhelmed by your health concerns or would like a partner for your health, please do not hesitate to reach out.